<aside> 👋 I'm a 4th-year Ph.D. student at ZJUIDG, Zhejiang University, under the supervision of Prof. Yingcai Wu and Dr. Weiwei Cui. I got my bachelor’s degree from the CKC honors college, Zhejiang University, in 2020. I am an intern at DKI, MSRA from 2021 to 2023. Currently, I focus on exploring causality visualization and scrollytelling authoring.



👾 github.com/evenlasting

📧 [email protected]


Understanding Nonlinear Collaboration between Human and AI Agents: A Co-design Framework for Creative Design

Jiayi Zhou, Renzhong Li, Junxiu Tang, Tan Tang, Haotian Li, Weiwei Cui, Yingcai Wu

CHI 2024 [paper]

Causality-Based Visual Analysis of Questionnaire Responses

Renzhong Li, Weiwei Cui, Tianqi Song, Xiao Xie, Rui Ding, Yun Wang, Haidong Zhang, Hong Zhou, and Yingcai Wu

VIS 2023 [paper] [code]

PlotThread: Creating Expressive Storyline Visualizations using Reinforcement Learning

Tan Tang, Renzhong Li, Xinke Wu, Shuhan Liu, Johannes Knittel, Steffen Koch, Thomas Ertl, Lingyun Yu, Peiran Ren, and Yingcai Wu

VIS 2021 [paper] [code]

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